Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Here I go!!!

This is gonna be my first blog ever. When I heard ppl saying refer my blog to know more abt me, I normally wonder what he/she is talking abt. Why shud I have to spend time there and know abt him/her… if its her may be at times its worth doing it otherwise.... !??!?! ;-)

Anyway, whenever a music album or a movie gets released, all the social websites will be flooded with links referring to various blog sites…. What is that ppl doing here… why do they want to post their opinion to the rest of the world. Who is gonna care what an individual thinks abt a particular thing?? These were my insights abt blogging till last week.

One fine day, I felt some change in my career and I started searching the website to know more about the other option I had. Ultimately I ended up seeking someone s advice in that regard. So, as my quest was going on, I landed up in someone s blog where she has put all the details that I needed for that particular thing. Oh man… it kept me thinking in fact…

I personally understand two things that you gain while blogging, one is you are maintaining your diary so that just go back and have a look at those pages, you ll always remember the days either its good or tough days, the memories stay there!! Another thing is your experience will definitely help someone to shape them or their career. Wow man.. that sounds interesting… above all, you can build your vocabulary and get betr in the usage of this foreign language which is highly appreciated in this competitive world!!

So considering all these reasons, here I go with my first blog!!!!!


Rach said...

congratulations on your first blog ! Soon you will realize the power of the written word !
Lookin forward to opinions, rantings, musings etc etc!


AK said...

Welcome to the league!!! I am sure you will enjoy the blogger world. Just remember where to draw a line, rest all will fall in place :oP All the very best