Sunday, January 25, 2009

Being the Pride of our Country!!!

“He is truly a genius”, “He is the pride of our country”, “He is a Prodigy”, “He is my Role Model” … He is Alla Rakha Rahman…!!!!

Yesterday, He was the first man to ever win a National Award for a debut album and today, He is the first Indian to ever win a Golden Globe Award and tomorrow, He will be the first Indian to ever win the Oscars…

“I am terrified”, “I felt on top of the world”, “Its Unbelievable”, “It is the victory for Indian music” are his remarks after winning this prestigious award.

It s been a while since I blogged. Even my last blog was all about him. But being his hardcore fan for more than 15 years now, how can I stop talking about The God of Music when he is going distance.

The world is dancing to his song “Jai Ho”.. World audience, who are not used to songs in their movies, are quite thrilled to see the ending of a movie with a song. That too, it s not just a song, it s a celebration of a victory. If I tell you something about the origination of this song, you are sure to get surprised and say “WOW”!!! Danny Boyle had some other song in his mind to play at the end during credits. It is Rahman, who said “I ll get you another song for this situation” and he came up with this Oscar nominated track “Jai Ho”. Doesn’t he deserve more than an Oscar!!! J
When asked him about the criticisms that are in the air now, he said “the movie is portraying poverty and it s still a big problem in India. We still have it, rather than finding a solution for that we are trying to hide the things to the outside world by criticising movies like this..” True… isn’t it!?!?

I ve got a lot of such stuffs to write about him.. But I know that I have to once again write about him once he receives the Oscars on Feb 22nd. I just want to hold my nerves till then…!!!
For time being, watch the whole world dancing to our Boss’ tunes at the following links. It’s a must-see,

PS: If you have not yet seen this little genius dancing, do watch the new song “Jiya se Jiya” from his album Connections somewhere, probably in the you tube… !!!! J